Who We Are
The RPI Fencing Club is a student run club which promotes the sport of fencing in the Capital District. The club is open to students and the community alike. We have a group of student officers who make the club work, and weapon captains for foil, epee and saber. We offer lessons in all three weapons for beginner and experienced fencers. Our lessons are held as group lessons with typically 10-30 fencers. We encourage fencers of all skill levels, including those who have never fenced before.
The other draw to the club is our tournaments. We typically host two tournaments a year.
In October, RPI hosts a tournament as an introduction to fencing for our beginners. This is a large tournament with fencers from all areas of the East Coast of all skill levels. The competition is traditionally very good. Information about this tournament as far as date and times will be posted as soon as possible on AskFred.
Our largest event is the RPI Open, which is traditionally held the first weekend of April. This is one of the biggest tournaments on the East Coast, excluding national events. The RPI Open draws from several regions of the United States and occasionally Canada. A list of vendors and more information will be posted as the tournament draws near. For more information about this tournament please see our tournaments page or contact us at fencing@union.rpi.edu.
Join Us!
Join the RPI Fencing Club and learn the art of fencing! Practice is held three times a week during the academic year - on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 - 10:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 4 - 6:45 pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays focus more on footwork and drills, while Saturdays are typically open bouting. Practice is in the basement of the RPI Armory located on 15th Street in Troy. Directions and a map can be found below.
Membership is $80 per year for RPI students, and $120 per year for non student fencers. For payment method information, email the club officers at fencing@union.rpi.edu. We provide equipment for all members who need it. We recommend that all members buy a glove that they can purchase through us for $15.
For more information, or if you have any questions, contact the club officers at fencing@union.rpi.edu
RPI Armory
15th Street & Sage Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Armory: The Armory is the large brick building on left beyond pedestrian bridge.
87 Gym: Turn right at the third light on 15th St. The 87 Gym is the large building on the left just before the entrance road. You can park anywhere on the road or take your first right and follow the road into the large parking lot. To enter the 87 Gym walk down the entry road and enter through the door facing the football field. The gyms are on the top floor.